And ... If last the person was you ..
A person who want to scram and do all thing as long as is some that is separate is I have a haunting one person even if try to forget
A person who do that gave me an opportunity once is act that is stupid again is a person not to want to do
A person is as long as do not want to give strain even if love I have a person who do that did my ideas once now
There is a person who is like that stop breath immediately by thinking thinking
When I am very lonesome, there is a person who do that entered voice once
When everything becomes hard, there is a person who remember deeply in my mind in anywhere
When meet other person, there is a person who want to speak that your everything heard in my spirit that only your ideas were always
Laugh to awake in sleep like dream if get my mind sometime and there is a person who want to imagine state that is walking the way together
Finally, there is a person to send flower whenever is always life until my life ends
And finally, I do that the a person was you.
ㅠ . ㅜ
If is not mine ...